About Mnr Academy

Information is all around in today's digital world. But as we all know, too much of information only makes us more confused. Information is different from true Knowledge. It's a fool's idea to try to know everything. It is the wise person who wants to know only the right things, the most valuable things. But where do we find them, especially when it's related to exam preparation? MNR Academy is your answer. It's a student-friendly site designed as a storage bank of questions and answers, related to CBSE examinations. Out of the infinity of matter available outside, this platform shares the best of all, the highlights.

CBSE has introduced Competency Based Questions which test us subject knowledge as applied in real life world. No more rote learning. Good bye to by-hearting formulas. Application to real life problems is the new mode of thinking. So when it comes to real life, who better knows thier lives other than students themselves? As teachers we know that today's students are much more aware of their chapters and subjects. They are clever enough to even prepare their own questions and trouble us with ease! Teachers should only be silent guides and let the students design thier own problems and solutions. They should develop observation, outside bookish knowledge. And it's our job as educators to provide a platform for sharing of these creative and innovative questions. A stage for a student -to- student exchange that will provide an ever-growing content related to all subjects. But how do they know the questions they have self-made are right? Shouldn't they share with everyone else and contribute knowledge to the society? Knowledge, like happiness, only increases through sharing. So what should a student do to participate in this community learning? It's simple. Whenever you come across a good question related to any subject, just take a photo of the question and the answer and upload on this site. It can be a handwritten q&a. The best of the uploads will be selected and shall be made visible openly and publicly, for everyone's advantage, free of cost.